L’OCCITANE produces and donates hand sanitiser for the NHS

L’OCCITANE produces and donates hand sanitiser for the NHS: Image 1

In response to the coronavirus outbreak around the world, natural beauty brand L’OCCITANE began channelling its manufacturing facilities in Provence, to the production of medical hand sanitiser to support our hospitals and front line workers across the globe. A total of 70,000 litres of hand sanitiser has been created and is currently being distributed to hospitals as part of L’OCCITANE’s efforts to support healthcare workers fighting the epidemic across the countries in which it operates.

The need to protect our front line workers and those at home has been at the core of L’OCCITANE’s practices since the pandemic began. In total the group has produced 100,000 bottles of hand sanitiser to support the crisis. As we speak, 20,000 x 280ml bottles are being distributed in hospitals across the UK. This news follows on from the donation of over 12,000 hand creams to NHS /HSE staff across the UK and Ireland.

Reinold Geiger, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the L’OCCITANE Group, commented: "Humankind is undergoing a time filled with challenges. By pooling our efforts with a full measure of humility, we can help it to overcome them."

The L’OCCITANE Group thanks its partners who have helped make hand sanitiser production possible, and in particular Distilleries et Domaines de Provence, which provided 16,000 litres of alcohol.

Further to the support L’OCCITANE is offering to front line workers, they have produced a limited number of hand sanitisers available to purchase. The 65ml Verbena Clean Hands Gel is £6, available now at uk.loccitane.com

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